PowerPoint beginners guide

Beginners Guide to PowerPoint

If you are looking for a free PowerPoint for Dummies, or beginners guide to PowerPoint then look no further.

This Beginners Guide to PowerPoint is designed to help you get the most out of your PowerPoint presentations. And is created to provide help for all PowerPoint users and can be used for all versions of PowerPoint from PowerPoint 97, PowerPoint 2000, through to Office 365 PowerPoint.

  1. What is PowerPoint?
    PowerPoint is a software program to enhance your oral presentation and to keep the audience focused on your subject. It operates like an old-fashioned slide show, but uses modern technology in the form of computers and digital projectors rather than a slide projector of old. This more in depth description will detail what PowerPoint is and why you would want use it.

  2. Slide Layouts and Slide Types in PowerPoint
    Each page in a PowerPoint presentation is called a slide. PowerPoint presentations run just like the slide shows of old, only they are broadcast through a computer instead of a slide projector.

  3. Different Ways to Look at Your Slides
    PowerPoint has several different views to look at your slides. You can see each slide on its own page, or as several thumbnail versions of the slides in Slide Sorter view. Notes view offers a page to add speaker notes under the slide.

  4. Adding or Changing the Background Colour of the Slide(s)
    The only reason to keep your slides plain white is for printing purposes. For on screen use, add colour to the slide background to jazz it up a little.

  5. Change the Font Style, Size or Colour on the Slides
    Having changed the background colour of a slide, more than likely it is hard to read the black text. It is easy to change the font style, colour and size so that your slide is easily readable.

  6. Add Images or Clip Art to PowerPoint Slides
    Images and graphics are a big part of any PowerPoint presentation. They can be added using the icon on the content layout slide types or simply by using the Insert menu.

  7. Modifying PowerPoint Slide Layouts
    Sometimes you like the look of the slide, but things are just not in the right places. Moving and resizing slide items is just a matter of clicking and dragging the mouse.

  8. Adding, Deleting or Rearranging Slides in Your Presentation
    Just a few mouse clicks is all that is needed to add, delete or rearrange slides in a presentation.

  9. Use a Colourful Design Template for Your Whole Presentation
    123PPT.com design and create professionally designed PowerPoint templates that enhance your presentation quickly and keep it looking like a coordinated package.

  10. Add Transitions to Slides
    Transitions are the movements you see when one slide changes to another. Although, the slides are animated, the term animation in PowerPoint, applies to the movements of objects on the slide, rather than the slide itself. This PowerPoint tutorial will show you how to add the same transition to all slides, or give a different transition to every slide.

Author:Terry Guilian, Texas.
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